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Main Street Lending Program Advisory

Clearcove helps borrowers and their regional bank lenders identify creative credit solutions to refinance their outstanding MSLP loans. 

Black Water

A Full Service Placement Process


Transaction Structuring and Capital Markets Advisory

  • We become experts in your business

  • Level set on transaction goals and financing requirements


Due Diligence Management & Marketing Preparation

  • Formulate outreach plan and generate marketing materials

  • Determine appropriate sources of capital

  • Build out comprehensive data room


Lender Identification & Outreach

  • Outreach to relevant capital providers

  • Coordinate client-investor introductions

  • Real-time adjustments on strategy when needed


Term Sheet Procurement & Negotiation

  • Facilitate document requests

  • Maintain a competitive deal environment

  • Circulate terms sheets


Why Refinance with Clearcove?

Our Borrowers

EBITDA:  $2,000,000 +

Loan Size:  $5,000,000 - $75,000,000

Transaction Types

Senior Debt 
Mezzanine Debt

Asset Based Lending
Equity Recapitalization

Industry Focus


Business Services

Media & Entertainment

Benefits of a Borrower Refinance

Remove Restrictive Covenants

Businesses can refinance into a structure that allows for continued growth without the burden of restrictive MSLP covenants. 

Economic Outlook is Uncertain

Consensus on Wall Street maintains that rates will remain high throughout 2025. The few pools of available capital in the market will continue to be drawn upon heavily.

Extend Loan Term

MSLP borrowers are weighed down by substantial, fast approaching debt service payments.

Reduce Regulatory Risk

The MSLP is a non-forgivable loan program. The governing body of the MSLP (SIGPR) has opened a total of 75 cases against MSLP borrowers.

More About Clearcove

Since working on some of the program's first originations in 2020, the Clearcove team has become experts in the MSLP facility. Clearcove is the first advisory firm in the country with a strategic focus on MSLP exit options.  


With significant principal payments due in December of 2024, Clearcove recognizes the need for borrowers to explore refinances. Clearcove has curated a diverse array of solutions tailored to address the needs of participating borrowers.

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